Enogie of Eyaen HRH Dr. Osazuwa Aiwerioghene Iduriase JP reaffirmed his loyalty, avowed commitment to His Royal Majesty Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, Ewuare II, Oba of Benin

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The Enogie of Eyaen HRH Dr. Osazuwa Aiwerioghene Iduriase JP has reaffirmed his loyalty and avowed commitment to His Royal Majesty Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, Ewuare II, Oba of Benin.

The Enogie of Eyaen who stated this in a statement to debunk the accusation against him by the Odionwere, and his cohorts said the Oba of Benin as the custodian of the culture and tradition of the people remain supreme and unequal among other beings in Benin Kingdom.

Enogie Iduriase emphasized that his position as Enogie takes it root from the palace of the Oba of Benin and as such cannot engage in any act of insubordination or do anything that will undermine the integrity and supremacy of the Benin Monarch.

The Enogie of Eyaen said the recent accusation against him by the Odionwere, few elders and unknown youths in the community is malicious and a calculated attempt to destroy his image and position before the palace and the general public

He said no innocent citizen of Eyaen has been arrested or intimidated for whatever reason and that he has always acted in line with the directive of the palace of the Oba of Benin.

Enogie Osazuwa Iduriase explained that those accusing him of abuse of power are those he prevented from selling the land meant for the Benin Centenary and for grazing of the cattle belonging to the palace.  He added that since he ceded some piece of land to Uselu N’Ahor over boundary dispute for peace to reign, some elders and youths in Eyaen are not happy. He said there has never been Community Development Association CDA in Eyaen.

Enogie Iduriase said the various shrines in the community have its presiding priests, while the Odionwere is in charge of the Oguedion. He said as a duke he always encourage and support the performance of different spiritual exercise at the various shrines in Eyaen in line with Benin tradition.

The Enogie of Eyaen challenged those accusing him to prove their allegations or be ready to subscribe to relevant oaths in the Palace if their allegations against him are true. He however advised them to desist from such campaign of calumny and join him in the task to develop Eyaen Community.

He promised to continue to hold Eyaen Community in trust for the Benin Monarch.

HRH Dr. Osazuwa Aiwerioghene Iduriase JP

Enogie of Eyaen

17th April, 2023.

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