When The heart of a man is full of evil and destruction, he is not worthy to be trusted and elected into Government Or public offices as this will truncate the Destiny of the people.
Edo State which is the Heartbeat of the Nation has its identification in the Globe as a lovely and peaceful State when it comes to electing a candidate for public offices. To this light, the future of Edo People cannot be compromise for any desperate and power hungry politician.
Intelligent report had it early hour of today that Pastor Ize-Iyamu and Leaders of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) are distributing Card Reader Harking Devices in form of a camera phone to the various wards within the State which is capable of manipulating the information of the Card Readers.
According to investigation by the State Security Services (SSS) in their swift response, Four Persons has been arrested in Esan West Local Government in connection with the evil plot of the People’s Democratic Party’ candidate Pst. Ize-Iyamu and his party Leader to disrupt and Rig Election come September 28.
However, only duly accredited and observers with a clear means of identification are to be allowed to make use of video cameras to cover the election process not as individual or unidentified person’s.
Lets be very vigilante in this during the election process to observe these persons because the implications of this singular act will disorganize the card reader machine to enable them access to their evil manipulation.
If Edo Must remain in Safe Hands, its should be the collective responsibilities of every citizen to report any suspicious move to any Government Security agency.